
For 2025, results will be released to test candidates on the following dates: 

Test Window Results Release Date
2025 Window 1 Week ending 28 March 2025
2025 Window 2 Week ending 20 June 2025
2025 Window 3 Week ending 19 September 2025
2025 Window 4 Week ending 12 December 2025

You will receive a message notification via your ACER account when your results are available to download from your ACER online candidate account at note that results cannot be released early under any circumstances.

Your report will indicate if you have met the minimum standard of personal literacy and numeracy expected of a prospective teacher, which is broadly equivalent to the top 30 per cent of the adult population.

As the questions in each test administration vary to ensure test integrity, the exact number of questions a candidate must answer correctly to meet the standard also varies. Results for each test administration are determined based on the standard required, irrespective of the version of the test administered. Consequently, test results are not immediately available at the end of the test window because there is a rigorous process of psychometric analysis and quality assurance. It is also not possible to provide the number of questions or a percentage figure needed to meet the standard.

You will receive a statement of results for each test component that you have completed. For tests completed:

If an accessible version of the "How to interpret the statement of test results" document is required, please email ACER at

As part of the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan - LANTITE trial, in 2023 the Literacy and Numeracy statements of results was revised to provide better feedback to you on areas you need to improve if you have not met the standard. Please watch the following video on how to interpret your statement of results. The transcript is also available here

Important note: It is not possible to change your personal details on your statement of results after test results have been released for the relevant test window. This includes changing your name, date of birth or higher education provider. Please ensure that you notify ACER of any changes prior to sitting your test session(s). 

Privacy and your test results

Please note, when you register to sit the test, you agree to ACER providing or allowing your individual test results to be accessible to your higher education provider (you are currently enrolled in or intend to enrol in), tertiary admissions centres, and relevant teacher regulatory authorities. Test results will be provided, in a de-identified form, to the Australian Government Department of Education (the department), relevant state and territory education departments and teacher regulatory authorities. ACER will not disclose your individual test results to any other third party, unless as otherwise authorised or required by law.

Some states and territories also require successful test results to complete your final practicum or to register and be employed as a teacher. Your higher education provider is required to pass on your results to the relevant teacher regulatory authorities. If you have graduated from an accredited initial education program and have sat the test for registration purposes, the teacher regulatory authorities can verify your results with ACER. You should contact the teacher regulation authority in your state or territory to confirm their requirements. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership website provides accreditation standards and procedures and links to the state and territory teacher registration authorities.

ACER and the department may disclose de-identified and aggregated test results to confirm the test is fit for purpose for national use from 2016 and to inform future education policy direction.

Further details on the disclosure of your personal information can be found on our Privacy Statement.